In any given month, our firm receives more than 12,000 virtual (Internet) visitors. At our website,, we focus on current criminal law issues to provide people with an idea of the types of criminal and drunk driving cases we regularly handle. While most of the people who really need a criminal defense attorney call our office to arrange a confidential consultation with one of our attorneys, we receive about half as many contacts via e-mails. About half of those e-mails are from people looking for an answer to a simple question, such as "What is the difference between probation and parole?", or "If my record is expunged, will the DA remove it from CCAP?" From time to time, we will post those types of non-legal thoughts here, but you should always remember that no BLOG or website can replace a consultation with an attorney.
At Van Wagner & Wood, we offer a free first-impression analysis, which is based on our more than thirty combined years of criminal law experience and providing expert criminal defense consultations. We call a first consultation a "first-impression analysis" to emphasize the fact that every case almost always requires more than a short initial conversation to gather all of the facts. The criminal defense lawyers at Van Wagner & Wood take hundreds of calls every week from people who have been accused or convicted of a criminal or drunk driving offense, parents of high school children or UW students who have found themselves in a bit of jam with the law, and spouses and significant others of people who have already been arrested.
Whether your freedom, reputation or finances are at stake, you may want to consider taking advantage of the free legal advice from our firm or any of the very knowledgeable and experienced attorneys in our network because at the end of the day, the other side (the DA) will always have tried more cases, be more knowledgeable of the law, and have gained more experience in knowing how and what to argue than most people can acquire in the short period of time between an arrest and a trial. Moreover, the DA will undoubtedly employ those skills to your disadvantage in a court of law. If you are considering going pro se, please read, "Representing Yourself In A Criminal Case".
Below are some helpful links.
How to choose a good criminal defense lawyer
When to hire a criminal defense attorney
Criminal trials - what to expect